Saturday, May 16, 2009

3D stills

3d stills from this semester's 3D animation class. The first image is a 3D rendered model of a real life object we were asked to bring. i brought a Pokemon (© Nintendo) keychain and modeled that with the simplest shapes. All the rest are stills from the video below.

Enjoy :]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

doodles that... i dunno...

The impossible luff story of Pigmalion and Galatea the Cupcake. O:

The Christmas Spirit! :D

Toooouuuucaaannn! :D

Portrait of some kid named Aplo :D

newer doodle doodle doodle

more game-related doodlez

doodle doodle doodle

Uploading some work to start this thingy. The images below were some pieces I made for this game I play when I'm bored. 2008 was pretty fun :)