Saturday, February 26, 2011

texturing nearly done... onto lighting tests

this is the maya interface that i work with at school...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mental Ray versus Maya Software Renders with same lights(start)

First Renders:

Maya Software

Mental Ray

We gots a long way to go and it's almost midnight.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light! Sa binisaya pa, "Walay katulganay!"


mental ray quick light test

gonna need to model each part of the floor planks...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Other pieces in progress

This is a piece that's constantly evolving... It started out as a visual commentary on the "Tatsulok" or the social pyramid with the rich on top and the poor on the bottom, but I want it to go more in the direction of triumph and it keeps falling apart so this one's on hold. It's made of wax and held together by toothpicks.

I let my whimsy take a breath every now and then, but it always runs away and fiddles with the gears in my cerebellum. That's how things like this come out. I also wanted to make a piece that can give people a glimpse of joy. I always liked flying and strenuous activity so I guess this was how it escaped. This is also bronze and it needs to be ground down until the finish is even.


And this is the toothless version of Yorick. It's a study of the human skull I'm working on. I might end up doing a study of the facial muscles on top of this but I haven't been trained so figuring that part out should be an interesting challenge if I end up with free time.

Fun tiemz!

Spider in Progress

Spider sculpted in wax:

Spider sprued and coated with slurry:

Burning tiems! Ceramic shell ready for bronze casting:

Bronze piece with most sprues cut off; ready for finishing:

Welp... Waiting for this one to get finished.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Buildings completed

All the buildings are completed now... Last step is to build the boats and then texturing should start.

Monday, February 21, 2011


So I was one of those people seated there. Jubilee was amazing. I learned a lot, questioned even more, and ended up with another pile of books to read... which is good. In some parts of the session, I found the speakers giving words to waves of ideas crashing in my head, in other parts, I was listening intently and writing down information. At other times, I was restless in my seat as questions and more questions popped into my mind and in one session, I was even jumping off my seat on cue with a sister as we both shouted "whoa!"... I had to continue on to say "That was epic!" to a sermon where a preacher spoke on how it is "changed people that change the world" broken down with a passage from scripture.

It was powerful. I always thought that I had to give up what I couldn't help but do in order to glorify God, but I realized that I didn't have to. He could glorify Himself through these small hands. Parts of the veils of my understanding were lifted there.

Not everything changed, but I feel more of a sense of clarity and a justification for my longings for justice, truth and beauty.


The next couple of days (or weeks) will be dedicated to sorting through the information that I received. If all goes well, I should post clear-ish notes on the sessions here as I continue to work through creating and polishing the pieces for my portfolio.

I hope that what I learned there will show through the quality of my pieces.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This scene needs sari-sari stores

still having texture problems but am hoping that this will be resolved soon...

Monday, February 14, 2011

texture test views

searching for problematic spots and found a couple...
need to tweak it some more