Monday, February 21, 2011


So I was one of those people seated there. Jubilee was amazing. I learned a lot, questioned even more, and ended up with another pile of books to read... which is good. In some parts of the session, I found the speakers giving words to waves of ideas crashing in my head, in other parts, I was listening intently and writing down information. At other times, I was restless in my seat as questions and more questions popped into my mind and in one session, I was even jumping off my seat on cue with a sister as we both shouted "whoa!"... I had to continue on to say "That was epic!" to a sermon where a preacher spoke on how it is "changed people that change the world" broken down with a passage from scripture.

It was powerful. I always thought that I had to give up what I couldn't help but do in order to glorify God, but I realized that I didn't have to. He could glorify Himself through these small hands. Parts of the veils of my understanding were lifted there.

Not everything changed, but I feel more of a sense of clarity and a justification for my longings for justice, truth and beauty.


The next couple of days (or weeks) will be dedicated to sorting through the information that I received. If all goes well, I should post clear-ish notes on the sessions here as I continue to work through creating and polishing the pieces for my portfolio.

I hope that what I learned there will show through the quality of my pieces.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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