Friday, November 11, 2011


Today's drawing session was a flop. 5 hours wasted all because common sense was not used. When you have a very pale-skinned model, it is only with an incredible lack of common sense (or a great amount of idiocy) that one would choose toned paper that has the color of cocoa especially when the main goal of the exercise is to accurately portray the value range of flesh tones.

May God grant me wisdom. Terribly disappointed and tired but still hopeful about the days that are coming.

Soli Deo Gloria! Increase even more so as i decrease Lord!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dupont drawing sketches

More live model drawing with the group.

Getting ready for long poses next week. Need to draw fully rendered eggs by Sunday so a better understanding of form through lights and darks and the value scale will be achieved. Still seeing some errors in proportion, masses and form but am currently pleased to see some improvement in the work and am excited about further improvement.

Soli Deo Gloria!